Erotic Fantasies Blog Hop

 Erotic Fantasies
Blog Hop 3

    Please sign up in the Linky List below to enter your blog into the hop. Please create a post now, save as a draft, copy the post URL to enter in the link below. Each blog is encouraged to have their own giveaway in addition to the SEVEN $25 gift cards we'll be doing for the Main Giveaway. Thank you for your interest and please share the link so others can get in.

A Few Rules:

Your post must go live by 12:01 AM on Dec 4th

Create a post and schedule so you don't forget.
 Add your blog's URL link below

Grab the Linky code below to 
paste at the bottom your post
(This MUST be added under the html tab)

<!-- start LinkyTools script -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- end LinkyTools script --> 

Write up a post to showcase one of your own books

Create your own Rafflecopter/other contest form

Please post our banner and link on your blog sidebar

Feel free to enter the other hops on my sidebar